It is important to teach your child social manners and etiquette. There are many ways to help encourage your child to acknowledge the Christmas gifts they receive respectfully. You can craft the letter for your child or even guide his/her hand over the notepaper. When he/she can write on his/her own (7 or 8 years old), you can write the words down and ask your child copy it. Or, to make it even easier for your child, you can use
Fill-in-the-blank cards, like the ones pictured below.
From ages 9 through 12, you will be more of a taskmaster, making sure that your child sits down and writes the note. When your child is in high school, the child will know that every present will require a thank you note.
My kids were always more enthused about writing thank you notes if they had their own personalized note cards. See my
Etsy shop for more ideas.
The December issue of Delightful Details ezine went out a few days ago. It contained a Subscriber-Only special on Thank You notes. If you did not receive it and would like to you can subscribe now by filling in the blanks on the right.