Saturday, July 28, 2007

And the Winner is...

Wow!!! I have had so much fun hosting this giveaway in conjunction with the Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway with Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer. I thought it would be fun to bless someone with a set of notecards, but I think I am the one who got blessed. I was overwhelmed at the amount of comments (a total of 185) the post received. Thank you all for such lovely comments. But the best blessing is "meeting" so many neat ladies. I have not had a chance to visit everyone's blog, but I plan to because the ones I have visited so far have been so uplifting and encouraging. And I have found some other groups that I would like to join. I am fairly new at blogging, but I think I am going to love it!

Anyways, back to the giveaway...

Drumroll please...

And the Winner is... Angela, who had the 75th comment... from
Congratulations, Angela! I will email you to get details of where to send your prize.

And thanks again to everyone who left me a comment. This was so much fun! Please come back to visit me soon.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Win this Fun, Colorful Notecard Set!!!

You could win this fun, colorful set of notecards containing my original designs of striped swirls in 5 delicious colors! They are sure to make you laugh, smile, grin, giggle, wink or chuckle. ;)

Click on this link: to see more photos of the notecards.

All you have to do is leave a comment for me here on my blog and you will be entered into the drawing.
Yep, that's it. That's really all you have to do.
(Of course, I'd love for you to visit my website at as well to see some of my other creations, but it is not required.)

On Friday, July 27, I will randomly draw one winner from all those who have commented. So, be sure to check back Friday night or Saturday. If you are the winner, then make sure that I have your contact info so that I can send you your prize!

I am holding this Bloggy Giveaway in conjunction with the Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway where hundreds of bloggers are all holding Giveaways at the same time. Get the details at

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Giveaway is open to those living in the continental US. Free notecard set to winner includes free shipping.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Many NEW Items Added

I recently quit my full-time job and am now working full-time on MY business - Joyful Heart Design - doing what I love---creating unique custom invitations and stationery! I will be able to complete your orders much quicker now. And I have added many NEW items to my Etsy shop, so be sure to visit my shop at

Tomorrow I will be announcing the details of how you can sign up to win an adorable set of my colorful notecards (with an original design by yours truly).